Friday, March 4, 2011

The New Hope

I waited with baited breath, from the Thursday before last, over the entire weekend for the news of the Tyrant's inevitable demise. With his death , the price of oil would come down, the value of stocks would go up, our President's stature would surely skyrocket.
The News outlets calmly told the story of Rebels taking over all the towns and cities, advancing with certain rhythm, creating a gauntlet of no escape. The reporters taunting the caged can you not step down already?...your fate is cannot go on so wounded in the political square.
He giggled. He told lies. He slithered around the silly childish traps layed in front of him. International pomp of the toothless meant nothing to him. Getting past a band of disorganized, well armed gangs who can't shoot straight was his only goal. Our President told him what to do...sort of...kinda. He paused and raised an eyebrow, then went back to the task at hand. Killing and controlling.
Here we are over a week later and he's gaining control...piece by piece...neighborhood by neighborhood...politically organizing if you will. His warfare and power is local. I hoped for stabilization through his death, but now, it seems that stabilization will come through his unincumbered iron fist. He will reign, and the toothless shall bow before him once again.
The interesting part to me really though is how we believed that this murderous regime would be toppled with the minimum of effort. If we somehow just BELIEVED that he would go away...that it would 'just happen'.
Our president let the reins of freedom slip from his fingers, asleep behind the rythym of equine footsteps slowing without direction.
Nothing will come of his feeble we change our national focus....

What silliness from Hollywood awaits our gaze? What shall be our national Navel?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tell me when the Jack flies again.

I was born in England but moved to this country when I was a toddler (I needed a change of pace). I've been back many times but I will not go back again for 2 reasons...1)It's too damn Socialist 2)Britain has surrendered to the Muslims.

When they make significant strides in correcting these two problems, I will consider spending my time and dollars there again. To my Cousins, Aunts and Uncles...I say, enjoy the stew you helped create.

Here's further proof of all thats Idiotic over there...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Draw Big Mo

theLet them rage in the streets...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sticks and Stones...blahblahblah

Speak softly...and carry a BIG...what the heck is that thing Mrs. Dikshit!?! I'm pretty sure I would have gotten in trouble too.

Television host quits in dispute over mocking name

Monday, October 11, 2010

Do These Shoulderpads Make My Butt Look Big?

I can't take it anymore. For one week maybe, our Men of the National Football League decked out in pink gloves, pink sweatbands, pink slippers, pink undies, whatever...but a whole month?

My ten year old girl took one look at the game I was watching, cocked her head and pointed, "Whats with the pink!?!" At which point my pink-loving seven year old came bolting over (ditching her computer aided hypnosis) gleely exclaiming, "Daddy's football players are wearing PINK !!!"

This past Sunday saw the comics page turn somewhat monochromatic. "Daddy, they did it to the comics page too," reported the horrified 10 yr. old.
She was mad too, "Breast Cancer sucks, and not just for the people who get it!" Truer words were never spoken.

It seems to me this is a sissification of a Man's sport. A game of blood, sweat,, no tears. There's no crying in Football.

My wife tells me to get over it, it's for 'awareness'. I totally disagree. It's a far more sinister plot launched by feminists to turn us all into some pink mush.

"They're using breast cancer awareness as a sledgehammer on our manly souls," I protest. "Will my testicles or prostate get a month? Will these body parts be thrust into the faces of Championship Ice Skating or Olympic Gymnastic viewers???" I'm guessing not.

(on a side note...I think the corresponding man ribbon should be covered in short and curlies.)


WOWEEEEE!!!!! I really didn't expect a link from the Jawas... but here we are! I shall be posting as many comics and other goofy stuff I can find. No more layoffs for me!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Shhh, Don't Tell the Environuts...They'll Have Us Ban Sand Soon Enough » CBS News ‘Fast Draw’: The Serious Lessons of Sand

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Buy the Poppies, Win the War

This Is a very simple strategy for Aghanistan. Buy all the poppies.

It's the only thing that will grow there. Stop trying to irradicate them. Stop burning farmer's property. Give them cash for the product. Not only will you be promoting free trade, you will dry up a huge revenue stream for the Taliban. Beat them at their own game.

We need poppies to make opiates such as Morphine. We have uses for them. Why not just buy them in bulk. It will win hearts and minds. Currently the Taliban forces farmers to grow the flowers so they can produce heroin. If the farmer doesn't comply...they are killed or worse. Why don't we step in and overpay for the product. George Stienbrenner style.

It looks like the British are getting a foul taste in their collective mouth and are about ready to pull out. I think they're right that we don't have a cohesive strategy for victory. I think we are fighting the war exactly how the Soviets fought in their losing effort. Albeit not as brutally. Tell me where that'll get you?

We're Americans.

We know how to buy things.

Let's buy a quick and immediate Victory and get the hell out of there.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eugenics: ALIVE and well

I didn't think that they would still be trying to make the Master Race...but they're still at it. After watching Michelle Malkin's post on the origins of Planned Parenthood (make sure you watch the video about Margaret Sanger), I decided to see if anyone was promoting this concept.

A little Dogpile search (I try to use Google as little as possible...creeps) and Bammo! Societal Engineers Unite.

If you check these websites out, notice how many of them have problems with the JOOOOS. In one of the descriptions they describe themselves as "politically Incorrect". I would label them as something that rhymes with "not-sees".
The whole subject just gives me the shivers.

Friday, July 10, 2009

DEEEE-LISHHH in so many ways

This Burger King advertisement went all over Spain before being yanked for offense to Hindus.

I guess that carefully carved and beautifully displayed meat sandwich between her legs was just too damned yummy to go unoffended by.

I think I'm gonna go get me some dinner AND a date.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What if.....

I suppose that by now, everybody on the planet has heard that Michael Jackson is dead. Even the Japanese WWII holdouts on tiny little pacific islands have heard that the supposed King of Pop has bought the farm.

I'm not a Jackson fan. I was getting into punk rock around the time that Thriller came out and dancing about in parachute pants just didn't appeal to me. But I'm not here to do a musical review.

What if... he's not dead?

What if this is all an ellaborate hoax to kick off his big string of shows in London, perhaps bumping it up to a world tour. He's certainly got a big lift in the record sales department.

Have you seen the body? Why did the family insist on a second autopsy? Is the Governator in on this? The Mayor of LA? The Coroner? All of this has got to be good for California's bottom line.

Maybe Michael is pulling off the greatest comeback of all time (next to Jesus). Think Elvis is not dead...Jim Morrison is not dead...Jimi,Janice. What if one of these drug addled talents had actually come back from the grave...clawing and clutching at the dirt over them until they emerge from the cold earth to dance front of 17,000 emotional fans at the Staple Center in Los Angeles, no less.

Kinda reminds me of a certain video.
UPDATE: Nope, the little boy molesting creep is ACTUALLY dead. Another theory shot to s#!%.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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China in Sri Lanka?????? Who Knew?

Now I consider myself to be News savvy. But Michael Totten just shocked me with his interview with Robert Kaplan.

The Chinese have helped destroy the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka with mucho arms and ammunition and strategic support. For this they get to build a deep water port for their Navy. This is part of China's string of pearls strategy in which they ring the Indian Ocean with Military bases that they don't actually pay for.

Save for the odd "HAHA we'yah Chinese and a you not" military annoyance, I'm of the opinion that China has no reason to get confrontational with us because they are too intwined with us monetarily.But with the Barakticon trashing our private sector economy at every turn, when will this daisy chain fall apart and expose our rear ends to the enemy?
And if I'm finding it harder and harder to extract news (and so is Allahpundit when it comes to Honduras) how long will it be before .... dont need no stinking news.
Peace through superior firepower. Teach your kids...defend the freedoms for the next generation.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm setting my Alarm for 4:30 am

Khameini gives his "get out of the way or DIE' speech at around 1pm Tehran time. It's either gonna get REAL bloody or just kinda bloody.